Episode 13
Adama Sesay & the Importance of Living Your Truth
In episode 13 of HiiiDeas Adama Sesay, CEO and Founder of Lilith Astrology shares her journey towards becoming her own boss, and how a leap of faith move to Portland landed her right where she needed to be. Lilith Astrology is a site designed to empower women with cosmic insight through weekly discussions, monthly horoscopes, and private readings. Adama shares some great tips on manifestation as well as how she intentionally incorporates cannabis to help fuel her imagination. All this and more! Download today.
Mentioned: Lilith Astrology
Website: https://www.lilithastrology.com/
IG: @LilithAstrology
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/lilithastrology
Facebook: @lilithastro
Twitter: @13LilithAstro
Mentioned: The Last Prisoner Project
Website: www.lastprisonerproject.org/
Mentioned: JTT Accessories
Website: www.jttip.com
IG: @jttaccessories
HiiiDeas - Ideas While High Podcast can be found at:
Website: https://hiiideas.captivate.fm/listen
Twitter: @hiiideas