Episode 1
Meet Your Host, Mary LaTreece
In Episode 1 you’ll be introduced to your host, Mary Latreece. She’ll discuss her background, how the HiiiDeas Podcast came to be, what you can expect to hear, and why she thinks it’s important. You’ll hear why I love hearing about people’s great ideas, and the importance of sharing these testimonies. I’ll talk about my current journey as a creative entrepreneur and why I decided to create the HiiiDeas Podcast in the first place. I’ll also share what’s currently working for me and what I sometimes struggle with as a budding business owner.
Mentioned: The Last Prisoner Project
Website: www.lastprisonerproject.org/
HiiiDeas - Ideas While High Podcast can be found at:
Website: www.jttip.com/hiiideas
Twitter: @hiiideas
Email: mary@jttip.com
Podcast Music by Keith Harris: